Saturday, October 31, 2020

Fear of the Unknown

What a ride it has been, not only in regards towards Flok Factory's timeline, but also this horrible current year we are all experiencing...COVID-19/Corona virus has changed the world globally, and uncertainty is ruling.

In trying to keep my health, safety and sanity up, the fear of the unknown comes to mind, which is a major factor still happening in real life, and it arguably is also horror's best way to scare you on many levels in a subtle way.

Not knowing stuff can be fun to discover, but when fear is involved, negative outcomes can happen such as stress, worry, despair and indeed, uncertainty. All of my plans for 2020 got delayed, and there is no end in sight for it to become normal in 2021.

In times like these, the future of horror gets inspired, and thus, new horror stories, movies and games will emerge that will attempt to get to you on new levels, which is good for the genre to survive. Naturally, the world keeps changing, even rapidly in our lifetime, and thus, horror adapts.

Fear of the unknown will keep us going, because it drives us, it motivates us, it consumes us...and there is so much to learn from it. Of course fear in general, whether it is rational or irrational, is here to stay with humanity.

The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown. H.P. Lovecraft

For those who have read my blog over the years, including the October Horror madness, which started humbly in 2010, but then went overboard in 2013 and beyond, thanks for reading until the end, stay healthy, safe and sane, and a very Happy Halloween!

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