Saturday, October 3, 2020

REmake 3

A splendid remake, before playing and beating it the first time in 5 hours and 43 minutes, taking my sweet time, I was aware of the criticism regarding cut content and the game’s length. I played in short bursts, took my time exploring while playing like a veteran RE fan, preserving ammo, using the knife wherever. Somehow I managed to not find the Magnum on my first run, hah!

I don’t mind them skipping the clock tower, the park and the worm boss, but cutting out the dead factory area is a mistake in my opinion, that was iconic, with the infamous difficult water puzzle and the final fight against Nemesis with the rail gun there in the original game.

That said, I was certainly content with what I got as I got my expectations low and my trust in Capcom high. It’s more action oriented than RE 1 or 2 just like the original, the RE engine remains fabulous, and the voice acting and dialogue were fine and silly cheesy at times.

The areas include a small hub for Raccoon City, the R.P.D., a sewer section, NEST 2 a.k.a. an Umbrella lab and the overall favorite happens to be the refined hospital, as the atmosphere is great, full of gory details, scares and general survival horror.

Indeed, there were nice jump scares to be found where I re-acted with fright, such as when the Hunter Gamma showed it’s face at the security room in the sewers, and also when Nemesis grabbed Jill during climbing.

Hearing about the subjective opinion that the game is short, I was reminded that the classic RE games all had short runs anyway if you knew where to go instantly. The length is about the same as the classic RE games anyway minus Code Veronica, which most likely will be remade too.

Nemesis himself is a bit less seen in this remake, but he still looks authentic and true, grabbing not only a rocket launcher, but a flame thrower too this time. I am content with all of the new facial looks of the cast, and I also really liked reading the many notes to be found, which seemed to be more than in REmake 2.

Since they included Resident Evil: Resistance in this Blu-Ray disc too, I will consider that as the multiplayer segment of REmake 3, which means that the rating will be affected by it. And it's a nice combination and multiplayer mode which you might or might not spend hours into it, depending on your interest into it.

Rating: 8.5

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