Friday, October 23, 2020


Three unemployed parapsychology professors set up shop as a unique ghost removal service.

Ghostbusters is an effective horror comedy with Bill Murray stealing the show with his one liners, but I never really liked the movie as much as others. The ghosts and effects are of course fantastic for the 80’s, and it's another memorable movie. 

Especially it's main theme helps  making it a success! Venkman, Spengler and Stantz work and overcome together the various spooky ghosts around the city of New York City, and after getting their own business covered, as well as recruiting a secretary, a fourth member(Zeddemore) and clients, it's on.

Most of the humor works better if you are an adult, but I can definitely see kids liking this movie too, perhaps even from newer generations. Rick Moranis acts like comedy relief, but he and Sigourney Weaver are then possessed and used to summon the Sumerian god Gozer with her Zuul creatures.

The representation of the Marshmallow Man acting like a doomsday creature is another comedic effect, but at the end of the day, the Ghostbusters defeat and capture the ghosts, the citizens are saved, and Gatekeeper plus Keymaster are no more.

I like the movie more now that I am older. I guess I can pick more out of it then, but at the same time, movie experiences during childhood and adulthood can alter drastically, or stay the same, it depends each time.

Rating: 7.0

The discovery of a massive river of ectoplasm and a resurgence of spectral activity allows the staff of Ghostbusters to revive the business.

The iconic ghost busting guns, ghost traps and ghost car equipped by the parapsychology professors return in the only sequel(so far) that's worth watching for fans. However, expectations for it were too high, as it's a goofier movie in general, with less success at the box office or not being critically acclaimed.

Some of them have said that this movie is the reason that a third movie hasn't officially and canonically been made yet. Yes, we are finally getting one hopefully next with Afterlife, but we could all easily imagine a third entry in the 90's, don't we?

The main cast returns, and this time, Dana's son Oscar is used as a sacrifice to resurrect the evil cursed painting Vigo back to full power. To arrange this, he uses his goofy servant Janosz. Meanwhile, slimy stuff that reacts to particular moods are getting larger and more dangerous.

I remember the scare with the heads in the sewers, as well as when Vigo transforms, that's when my mother used to cover my eyes. :) And of course, how can I possibly forget when the Ghostbusters control the Statue of Liberty using an NES accessory!?

Rating: 6.5

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