Thursday, October 8, 2020

Downloadable Content: Blasphemous: The Stir of Dawn

As The Game Kitchen announced that free DLC called The Stir of Dawn would be released this year, I got excited!

At the beginning of October, I replayed Blasphemous, remembered the impressive gothic setting, the religious themes, the cryptic lore and the huge bosses, while adventuring in Metroidvania and Souls like style. But where was the DLC content?

It turns out that this was only accessible once you beat the main game, and then start New Game+ called Ascend. As the main game got quality of life improvements, and I started up the next adventure, the NPC called Jibrael would scatter around the world for me to find back.

Upon discovering him again, he would summon up the DLC bosses called the Amanecidas. As I was struggling during this run already, because the enemies had more health and dealt more damage, the Amanecidas, specifically of the Bejeweled Arrow and of the Golden Blades, kicked my ass.

Normally I accept a hard challenge, but I did not like the difficulty curve in here, I guess my patience had withered after previously beating the main game already. And despite the bosses have a change of color in appearance, their attack movements were fun and well designed.

So while I am saying that Blasphemous remains a good game, recommendable towards Castlevania and Souls fans most of all, and I acknowledge that this free DLC is a good addition, personally, I did not like that my damage output was so low in Ascend mode, and this game almost has no damage upgrades.

Maybe my determination will be better some other time. Until then, it was fun to replay, and try this new content out.

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