Sunday, November 1, 2020


As bonus horror content, I will review this impressive "indie" horror game.

A psychological horror game that has been in early access for a long time, this October it finally got released fully. Inspired by P.T. and RE7, the graphics are great, it runs smooth, and the game’s atmosphere will immerse you very quickly.

Control wise, be it by keyboard and mouse, or an Xbox One controller, I wasn’t comfortable with how items are used with two hands in here, although perhaps that is part of the game design, because it certainly isn’t a relaxing ride; random paranormal events can happen, and a sanity meter can increase this effect and put you in danger.

Yes, you can “die” or get a Game Over, but you can also retry, and light in general will keep you more safe than darkness, such as candles and lamps shining your way. Next towards exploring a large house for the most part, you will also have item management in the form of Key and Dynamic items.

4 chapters are available, and each of them brings something new to the table. The general sense is unsettling for Visage, that's for sure. It's not just jump scares from ghostly encounters, but what's even better is how the game handles lightning and darkness, sound effects, and poltergeist activity from furniture and other objects.

Visage is definitely a scary game, I had to pause and catch my breath sometimes, and I can see how this will inspire future horror games aesthetically, but also how it handles buildup, tension, stress and so on. There are also Easter eggs to be found, such as from Silent Hill.

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