Monday, October 29, 2018

Lisa the Pointless & the Hopeful


These fan games are formidable when it comes to loyalty and joy.

Lisa the Pointless is the first noteworthy one taking place on Garbage Island, Olathe, starring Alex Churchland and Joel, who go on an adventure featuring the same gameplay as used and seen with Lisa the Painful and Lisa the Joyful.

Their bromance is perhaps the highlight of the story presented. The art style is intact as are the core gameplay features, and all of the NPC's are unique. Some of the themes used in this interquel are futility, trash, and everything being pointless.

However, the high difficulty curve eventually turned me off, resulting in me not finishing the game.

Rating: 6.6

Another interquel of the LISA trilogy, the mood is quite different though.

You now play as 3 simple henchmen called Beltboy, Lanks and Cyclops, who develop partner and friendship throughout the journey. You might even care for them in the end, granted that your attention can keep up.

As their gas runs out, the quest begins. They will fight all kinds of groups in order to get back on the track, including mutants, addicts, gangs and quirky fellows. The NPC's are again, unique, which is a spoiled gift for the gamers, but Hopeful is more of a linear experience than the others.

Like Yume Nikki, it looks like we haven't seen the last of Lisa fan games yet, as they are just starting. It's also cool to see the creator Austin Jorgensen labeling Pointless and Hopeful as canon, indicating that their overall quality are worth to experience for the fan community.

And of course the bleak atmosphere, the gore, the freaky nature of the drug JOY, depression, horror and especially the weirdness are all factors still intact!

Rating: 7.2

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