Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Evil Within 2

A better and unexpected sequel which has become more open world, The Evil Within 2 continues the rather dis-likable and stupid plot from the original, only this time Sebastian is attempting to save his daughter from the nightmare worlds of Union and Mallow.

The gameplay and controls are improved, the hospice’s upgrade system returns as well as the scarcity management, as items will be scarce for you to use and eventually find. Enemy design is as solid as the original, such as a monstrous abomination with several heads and a sawblade.

The scariest enemy is probably the one called Lament who can scream loudly, and it's even more thrilling when you walk into the gas filled chambers with a mask to pass them by in order to progress. During flashback moments later on in the game, all of the first game's notorious monsters return as well.

There are enough psychological horror effects and villains to make this a commendable sequel, and the plot is about family and horror. It does seem that The Evil Within 2 did not sell well enough, and has gone underground to become a cult game, and because of that, perhaps this franchise ends here...?

Rating: 7.8

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