Wednesday, October 17, 2018

REmake 2 Preview

As I previously said, Capcom is rising up again, not only with sales, but with their fans too.

REmake 2, or Resident Evil 2(2019), might just be their current biggest fan-service project. Not that it necessarily needed a remake, but because REmake was such a great game, everyone drooled for over 13 years at the thought of the same happening for Resident Evil 2.

By now, plenty of trailers and gameplay footage have been revealed, and the biggest change is that there are no longer pre-rendered backgrounds and fixed camera's, which is to be honest an outdated concept, although I wouldn't mind it or the tank controls.

Over the shoulder third person remains a popular perspective, and as Resident Evil 7 proved, first person works as well. In this case, I would not know which perspective they would choose beforehand, but I am glad with their decision.

Like the original REmake, I am pleased to say that Capcom has altered and tweaked numerous amounts of stuff about the content of the original Resident Evil 2 in here, such as giving all of the cast a new makeover with their facials, new puzzles, and new scary events happening as well as new enemy placements, of which the most infamous so far might be the fact that the first Licker has moved from the original bloody Licker hallway.

I wonder if any more Resident Evil 1.5 content will make it into the final version aside from the Elza Walker costume? But what I am really curious about is that aside from the many minor tweaks, will we be introduced to new area's, enemies and characters too, just like REmake did so wonderfully? I always felt that Resident Evil 2 could benefit from at least 1 more kind of monster as zombies, dogs, plants, spiders and Lickers wasn't enough variety for me.

Another concept, The different scenarios of Leon A/B and Claire A/B also seems to be absent so far. These scenario's basically altered or remixed the core game with it's story, direction and enemy/item placements. Now it seems that there will be only 2 main scenario's for our playable characters, which is still unique as far as the rest of the franchise goes.

Although trailers have shown glimpses of the other original area's, so far, gameplay demo's have only been centered around the Raccoon Police Department, which now has a logical new background in that it formerly was a museum for art pieces, connecting one of Chief Iron's hobbies better.

Using the setting, plot and characters from the original while using feedback from the recent games such as 6 and 7, REmake 2 is shaping up to be very interesting for a longtime hardcore fan like me. January 2019 is gonna be so exciting once this baby launches. :)
REmake is one of those games I have beaten the most, maybe in total about 10 times now. I am THAT excited! Not to mention that I'm looking forward to my re-union with my favorite Tyrant Mr.X and William Birkin.

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