Saturday, November 7, 2020

Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time


 Off Beat

It's about time that Crash got a full blown sequel!

After the success of the N. Sane trilogy 3 years ago, Toys for Bob was developing part 4 while Crash Team Racing also got remastered. With an inter dimensional theme playing, it's about time to be frank, and it's about time to review it!

Crash returns with his trademarks spins, slides and double jumping, while Coco is not too far off doing the same moves. This time, 3 new playable characters are introduced, friends and foe, including Tawna, who can grapple hook down stuff and wall jump, Dingodile who can suck and blow objects with his vacuum gun while air hovering, and Cortex who can blockifate enemies shooting with his raygun and air dashing/bashing around.

Visually, it's a feast for the eyes, and the level called Off Beat, which happens to be my favorite, showcases that perfectly. That level by the way reminds of my favorite level from Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze, as each level is so memorable in their design and presentation.

The frame rate is high, the performance is solid, and aside from the classic 3D action platforming gameplay, the challenge is even more intact, and Crash 4 might just be the hardest entry seen yet, as I died so many times. To compensate, the game offers a Retro mode with limited lives, or a Modern mode with unlimited lives.

What's also new are 4 Quantum Masks that will manipulate the stages differently; 1 will slow down the time of movements, 1 will reverse gravity, 1 will make certain objects phase in or out of existence, and 1 will give Crash a super spinning dash move that will also enhance the reach of his jumps.

They literally offered a new dimension towards the gameplay in general, and I considered them to be well implemented. The very final level in particular, Cortex Castle, made insane use of them one after another, and I died the most here, but I kept having fun!

Some levels also allow Crash or Coco to wall run. Bonus stages allowing you to collect more wumpa fruits and gems return, as well as a world map offering different timelines and areas. Finally, after completing a stage, an N.verted variation of it unlocks, which will mirror it's design, and also give it a different visual filter and some more unique properties, while allowing you to collect even more gems and such.

Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time is an insanely good time of (precise)platforming around, with a lot of fun to be experienced. I highly recommend it for the fanbase,and I would definitely welcome a sequel in the future!

Rating: 8.5

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