Friday, November 27, 2020

Tribute to Jackie Chan

I grew up with this Hong Kong super star, I admire and appreciate what he has done as entertainment value in impressive ways for the movie world.

Jackie Chan's martial arts combined with humor, combined with using environmental objects, combined with his insane astonishing stunt work(as he apparently has broken all of his bones by now!), makes him a very outstanding and special man. And let's not forget about his trademark of using failed scenes as out takes during end credits!

His unique way of fighting has captured people's hearts for decades. He has starred in so many good movies, including Drunken Master 1 and 2, Rumble in the Bronx,, Who Am I, the Rush Hours, the Police Stories, Dragons Forever, The Young Master and Wheels on Meals, and I am probably missing a few worthy ones!

And he is still very active with acting. Elsewhere on this blog, under the post Top 10 Martial Arts Cinema Scenes, I already selected two of my favorite Jackie Chan fight scenes, but that can fluctuate opinion wise, and so, there is much to choose.

Of course, the older you get, the slower you become practicing martial arts, but I am sure that even at his current age, he could perform crazy tricks with his body! It's also interesting as trivia to know his connection towards Bruce Lee, and also towards his relationship with Sammo Hung.

Jackie Chan truly is one of a kind.

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