Monday, November 30, 2020

The Ninth Generation

Let's talk about the future of gaming at Flok Factory, one more time.

As the consoles Sony PlayStation 5 and Microsoft Xbox Series have just been released this month, they have started the next generation in what might be the last official one before video games and the industry might decide to go digital only next time.

Of course, there is Nintendo in this market to consider too, and traditionally, their consoles and handhelds are left behind with regards to keeping up with current specifications and technologies. Their innovation and first party line-up will continue to make them stand out, and as for this current generation, well, they have made so much money, that they can take their sweet time delivering the next goods.

The PC market has remained the same for years; with digital software distribution services such as Steam, Epic Games, Origin, Uplay and Discord making sure that the amount of games getting released on a daily basis is guaranteeing that since the indie boom of the early 2010's, there will always be something new to play.

Now with streaming services such as Google Stadia making it more exciting to stream all kinds of games including the ones with the highest productions values, and virtual plus augmented reality technologies improving over time too, we are living in interesting times.

Monthly subscriptions such as Microsoft's Game Pass and Sony's similar to be announced variation, cross-platforming multi player, social elements, haptic feedback, high processing power and new buzzwords such as Ray tracing will make sure that it will continue to be interesting to keep gaming.

And there will always be something entertaining or interesting to play, whether you are going back to the past, or playing the latest games at launch day of new consoles. Whether it's a solo campaign, or playing with friends on the couch, voice chatting online, or streaming your gameplay, there will always be something to play.


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