Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Retro Blog: Warcraft

  OST 1

A fairly simple RTS from Blizzard where the Orcs and the Humans clash for the first time. Seeing as there was no multiplayer yet, the single player mode was focused upon. With few units, buildings, upgrades and no heroes available, Warcraft was a simple yet charming game. 

Rating: 6.7


 OST 2


Aside from the impressive campaign including it’s story progressing, Warcraft II really shined with the multiplayer aspect, introducing, and the diversity found in it’s units. Building your own maps was also available for the first time, and it was such a joy playing online together or against others. 


Classic tunes, heroes and even funny quotes from the units themselves are established here, and it would be a very popular game for a long time, maybe this was Blizzard's biggest game of the 90's for the longest time.

Rating: 8.7

 OST 3

This would triumph over it’s predecessors not only for making the jump from 2D to 3D, but for including 2 entirely new races as well; the Night Elves and the Undead.

Warcraft III’s storyline was so involved with the cut-scenes and the voice acting alongside the political developments happening that it easily became very exciting to follow it back in 2003, in which I previously bought my first own PC, of which I sadly do not remember the specifications.

But no matter, games are more important to me. was largely improved, and I played online competitively for 2 years until I discovered DotA alongside Tides of the Blood. The latter would discontinue, however the former would eventually turn into a whole new popular sub-genre that is still alive and kicking today. 

Warcraft III remains an exciting strategy game because there are so many tactics and strategies to take, so many custom maps, so many units, quotes, pretty music tracks, interesting lore and more goodness. The Frozen Throne as the official expansion pack was worth experiencing too.

Rating: 9.3

I have talked about Warcraft III before, but I felt like talking about the previous two briefly as well. Other than that, I touched and tried World of Warcraft only for 1 hour max, when an ex-friend of mine showed it to me like 16 years ago. I concluded back then that I wasn't interested in MMORPG's.

No matter. I am still waiting for Warcraft IV, but seeing as Blizzard has milked WoW lorewise, and seeing also that the RTS genre is dead, times are tough to bring back that glory. The memories will remain though!

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