Sunday, November 8, 2020

Nioh 2

Is it okay to concede...for now? This is not a full review, it's rather more...honest.

After having beaten many modern difficult games such as Nioh, Sekiro, Bloodborne, the Dark Souls trilogy and Hollow Knight, as well as numerous old school games on the NES, SNES, Nioh 2 has managed to defeat me.

It's difficulty is overwhelming, as the bosses and some of the regular Yokai have too much health, too many painful attacks and it frustrated me to rage quit. And I only managed to do so at the third boss, a snake, which offered a large difficulty curve.

What's also overwhelming is the new features where you will have to manage even more skill points, experience, Anima, Gold, Yokai and more stuff than the first game. I'm sure that I have been using the wrong build, or any build at all, I simply looked at which weapon did the most damage according to the blue arrow.

Nioh 2 introduces the ability to transform into Yokai giving you special and devastating attacks if used properly, and the game now also has blue Benevolent Graves, where players can summon other players controlled by AI to assist. But this AI seems braindead and it acts like a meat shield at most.

What I didn't like about Nioh 1 returns here to, which is the item looting and management. The gameplay remains very smooth, satisfying and overcoming, and the story is most of all a prequel towards before William appears.

It's embarrassing that I could not even get far with Nioh 2, but as of this moment, I don't feel like getting further anytime soon. Despite offering more enemy variety and more weapon builds and skill trees than I can count, and a bigger game length clocking around 40 hours, I guess I either got a gaming burnout of this, or I got too old, or any other kind of bullshit excuse.

For now, Nioh 2 is too difficult for me to really enjoy it. Is it fairly difficult though for me to Git Gud? I will review that someday.

Rating: Pending

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