Saturday, October 12, 2013


What first started as an internet urban legend soon turned into a series of short games where you must collect eight pages in order to beat them. Slender is a very simplistic project only meant to scare the bejeebus out of you.

In the form of Slender Man, a thin, shadowy tall figure, you must outrun and escape from it while venturing through the dark woods and trying to find the pages that seem to be randomly spawn everytime you start over or get a game over from getting caught or when looking at the figure for too long as he emerges into your very soul.

You can also counter it by noticing the static TV effects whenever he is nearby. Once you collect the eight pages, you will have to die in order to see the credits, which is bit of a let down, but the tension was felt as you got closer towards your goal.

The first title became a smashhit online, mostly because it was effective and short enough to sit through most people. Like Angry Birds to a lesser extent, both of them sparked not just gamers, but casual ones as well.

Because they are played in short sessions! This is one good reason why mobile games are so popular nowadays. But Slender doesn't really immerse you on a small screen. It is more suitable for a total black area, a huge screen, headphones with maximum volume and if you need more, throw in an unexpected person in the room scaring the bejeebus out of you.

Rating: 6.5

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