Monday, October 28, 2013

Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon

A most welcome addition has been added towards Luigi's career. The cowardly likable fellow has been given his best adventure yet, as Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon is a huge improvement over a creative title that happened to have an interesting backstory back in 2001.

The mechanics and the length have been vastly improved, however, I do miss the special portrait ghosts from the GameCube version. This is the only nitpicking I could find, other than that there are no checkpoints between the missions, and sometimes these can last up to 30 minutes.

As Luigi, it will be your task to search for the pieces of the Dark Moon in order to restore the habiting ghost's senses which have been twisted by King Boo and his fellow Boo's. There are 5 different mansions to be found this time.

Exploration is a vital keypoint into experiencing this, and this time, a lot of secrets have been added so that if you look well enough, rewards and satisfaction can be found. Special valuable gems are selectively chosen to be harder to find than mere hidden coin or bill staches.

The mansions themselves are split into missions, where Professor Elvin Gadd will once again guide Luigi through the next objective, using the Dual Screen. This time, the second screen on the 3DS will naturally offer a helpful map feature alongside some statistics and a list of objectives.

It wouldn't be complete without the actual ghost hunting however! You are equipped with the Poltergust 5000, a powerful vacuum cleaner specialized into flashing and capturing ghosts or other objects.

Blowing or sucking are part of the overall gameplay, as creative puzzles and new elements continue to pop up throughout the long adventure. The mood is spooky yet funny and adorable. The level design is compelling because everything clicks regarding progressing.

The Thrill Tower, or the multiplayer is surprisingly exceptional and one of the best online sessions I've had in recent memory. There are plenty of modes including clearing ghosts quickly and finding the puppy dogs quickly.

There is enough added to the multiplayer in order to consider it, which also includes 3 difficulties, an endless mode, upgrades, bonuses and from what I have seen fluent online gameplay, although the occassional connection error and/or players leaving are always present.

Luigi's Mansion 2: Dark Moon is without a doubt the green plumber's best game yet, and one of the must haves for the 3DS in this Year of Luigi, as it is a unique and addictive ghost hunting game with plenty of content and challenges awaiting you.

Rating: 8.5

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