Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Binding of Isaac

Edmund Mcmullen collaborates with Nicalis to bring this remake of a popular flash game. After Super Meat Boy's success, this seems his next current popularity. The Binding of Isaac(Rebirth) is a bird's eye randomized dungeon crawler where you first play as Isaac running away from his religious fanatical mother into the basement and beyond.

The random elements include level and enemy designs, dropped loots, secrets and more. There are literally hundreds of unique items available, and I have yet to see them all after dozens of runs I have played through.

Most of the items are beneficial, others downgrade your character in various ways. Some runs felt cheap and bastardized and unfair because of this. The boss pool is surprisingly large, showing the designer's love for enemy design in general, and I think that all of those similar looking faces where cute despite the game's creepy themes playing, which is almost unheard of in video games.

The Binding of Isaac is an above average, successful and most of the time challenging video game where I applaud it's replayability but have mixed thoughts with it's randomized factors, meaning somethimes I was having a blast, and sometimes I just wanted to start over.

Rating: 7.8

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