Monday, October 12, 2015

Deep Red

Cruel horror movie, with lots of well done suspense. To get the negative things out of the way first, Deep Red used way, way too many much close up scenes, and not just from people's faces, but the camerawork felt kind of amateuristic sometimes.
Secondly, I thought for a moment that a character who got killed off, then suddenly reappearing, was an error. But then I figured after reading Wikipedia's article and reviews that it was 2 different characters actually, and not 1.
Although I really felt that they looked very familiar...Deep Red, or Profondo Rosso, is about a musician who witnesses a murder taking place, and teams up with a reporter to investigate and track down the killer, with a surprise twist waiting at the climax.
As you can read, the plot is kind of a mix from Dario's earlier movies. At first I found The Bird with the Crystal Plumage Dario's best movie so far, but after reading thoughts about this movie, I can say now that so far, Deep Red is one horror movie to check out for sure.
For instance, the soundtrack was unusual, but after a while, it grew on me and now it sounds very familiar and instantly reminds me of the movie itself whenever I listen to it, which is a good thing. Besides that, Deep Red also has creepy silence moments, nice kills and interesting killer trademarks, such as an innocent child song playing or puppet dolls "coming to life" and symbolizing the macabre whenever the killer is close.
And I did expect a twist ending, but I did not guess the killer right, I was targeting the drunk guy, the glasses man and perhaps but not likely the little girl, but completely forgot about the mother of the musician's friend.  Disturbing revelation.
Apparently, you could even see her face at the very beginning of the movie, right after the medium was killed, through a mirror, but I did not even notice this, hah. And the insane mother of course also gets help from her own son, who watched over the musician whenever possible. So, in overall, I am glad to have experienced the first famous Dario Argento movie. 
Rating: 7.5

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