Thursday, December 24, 2020

Die Hard

It's official, I have officially run out of Christmas related blog posts, so I will be giving Die Hard the spot light for this year!

I figure that everyone knows about this movie when talking about movies in general. And ironically and funny enough, the action movie has many Christmas related elements, that it adds an extra layer towards it. Some fans even go far-fetched with some of it.

Die Hard is an impeccable action oriented movie with movements, negotiations, clever tricks and actions. And that's about it. This is a movie you watch to unfold and then see it through the end through tension and action. Calm and professional thinking cop versus terrorists, even if they claim not to be.

The title also stands out for me, Die Hard sounds great. In overall, it's an iconic late 80's movie, well beloved by many. Bruce Willis and Alan Rickman shine and give great performance with memorable quotes, and it has spawned a franchise. There might be another entry releasing called McClane, kind of similar in title towards Sylvester Stallone's Rocky and Rambo series.

Rating: 8.0

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