Sunday, December 31, 2017

Mega Man Data

In my late teens, I would be writing my biggest fan fiction on various forums back then, which is called Mega Man Data. This would turn out to be my first and only fan fiction, as I love the franchise, but sadly I never finished it.

Previous stories and comics created by me would be written in Dutch, but this is aside from the RPG making, my first English story. Originally I wanted it to become a 2D action platformer with a twist, but then I settled with writing about it.

Set between the stories of the X and Zero timelines in their respective series, Mega Man Data follows scientist Dr.Erstrund as he is escorted and assisted by Maverick Hunters and other allies to face a rogue mercenary group, the Replenloids who are the latest generations of Reploids, and 1 individual with megalomaniacal ideals.

Instead of specializing in combat, Erstrund is more about preserving and managing information or data, as he gathers intel and adapts to his environments and situations. At one point he would also discover that a transparent, ethereal inner part would protect him.

The story would not only intertwine with famous characters from the Zero and X series, but also offer plenty of new ones, plus a backstory with the so called Replenloids War and the nefarious Illusional Dergur Company was already set, while the current story would eventually climax and basically create a prologue towards the disastreous Elf Wars.

8 Replenloids would be fighting against X, while Erstrund would be combating with his wits and dialogue towards scientific, political and authoritarian figures, giving a new outlook and perspective at the Mega Man universe.

If this would become a video game, then I could split it up as an X game, and a visual novel game. Anyway, because there was a small fan community for my fan fiction and I got too ambitious with it's plot, I never finished it.

But perhaps it did leave me with two things; the joy of writing, and the experience needed to do so. I'd like to think that Flok Factory is a spiritual successor of some sorts without a central story being present, except if you would count myself as that story, then yes, you would be correct.

Mega Man Data might be in hibernation, but I still have the documents and scripts surrounding it stored around. Perhaps one day, in one form or another, I might finish it. Otherwise, it's a nice reminder of simpler times.

Oh, and Mega Man 11? It's a nice surprise Capcom, but unless the gameplay and music aren't atleast on par with the rest of the Classic Series, then I will just consider it as another Mighty No. 9. And if it's a success, please consider finishing or continueing the sub series Legends, X and ZX, as they need proper sequels.

I wish you all a fantastic 2018, and I myself further happiness, determination, victory and most of all love.

P.S. I guess this wasn't the Year of the RPG after all as I thought back in January. I will get to those RPG games I still want to play, one at a time!

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