Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Yume Nikki: Dream Diary


A 3D re-imagination of the original 2004 indie game.

Yume Nikki: Dream Diary is a new take and perspective on the influential interpretative and abstract progenitor where the graphics are the biggest change, but some of the gameplay has been altered too, such as there are only 5 kinds of effects to be found.

Consisting now of 6 doors instead of the 12 original ones, the areas are constructed now as traditional levels where, if you walk and interact long enough, you will "clear" them. Levels include a school, a desert, a forest and more.

There are many side scrolling moments which there wasn't much of in the original, and the overall progress is less randomized and definitely more linear. Although developed on a low budget, some of the sprites have been effectively improved.

Scary-wise, it's not as effective or memorable, and some creatures are missing. In overall, Dream Diary is a decent attempt to play Yume Nikki in a different way, but the fan games and the original are definitely more recommended.

 Rating: 6.6

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