Saturday, October 26, 2019

Two T Anthologies

At first, I decided to re-watch only 1 iconic horror anthology, but then I remembered a second one which I just had to see again after all those years! For this Halloween on the 31st, I will also be re-visiting several of my favorite horror movies, which I almost never do.

For now, let me review to you two anthologies starting with a T.

Trick 'r Treat  definitely feels like a Halloween movie, as the overall spirit of it is well represented, as the production values show that.

The best thing about this anthology are of course the tie in's of each little story, and the being known as Sam, who is like a violent guardian of Halloween itself.  He oversees the night happening, and seeks out those that violate the horrific rules.

All of the short stories are enjoyable, although the School Bus Massacre was the weakest one, but you gotta see Trick 'r Treat as a whole, and definitely keep an eye out for those tie in's. In overall, a recommendable horror hit with a large cult following.

Rating: 6.5

3 stories into one TV movie, which were told in a pretty fast paced way. Trilogy of Terror's stories were a little too exaggerating in my opinion, plus it was odd to see a main actor playing so much different characters.

Each story ends with a plot twist. I did not foresee the first plot twist, but I did foresee the second one. And as for the third and most infamous story...the doll simply saved the horror movie from becoming below average material.

You have got to see this precursor to Chucky's terror as a horror fan! Good stuff, it was funny, yet creepy at the same time as well, and at the end when the doll has taken over the woman that is also a nice touch hehe. In overall, definitely go see it only for the final story!

And if you want to see even more Zuni action, in Trilogy of Terror II(1996), the African killer doll returns to provide more genuine creepy scares towards the audience! The endurance this little fellow provides is unbelievable, he really wants to eat up human flesh!

Like the original trilogy, he seems to die very painful once again. And like the original, only the final story matters the most.

Rating: 6.5

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