Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Castlevania: Kid Dracula

A parody from Konami itself, Kid Dracula is just that!

Based on the Castlevania series, this Famicom exclusive let's you play as Kid Dracula in his younger days and it surprisingly is well done action platformer to undertake.

You are able to shoot fireballs in several directions, and after beating a stage, you will unlock a new ability. The stages themselves are rather short, and the enemies generic, but the gameplay is spot on and you will likely beat it sooner than you think.

The most likely reason it was never released in the West is because of the first boss's insignia looking very familiar and very reminiscent of the Nazi Party's official swastika symbol. It's a shame, as the goofy and kid friendly horror game is fun!

Rating: 6.6

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