Saturday, December 31, 2016

Brave New World

A novel about the distant future which was way ahead of it's time with introducing and predicting concepts which are now relevant, Aldous Huxley's Brave New World is an eye and mind opener into well, a brave new world.

With bold idea's like hypnopaedia, also known as sleep-learning, or classical conditioning, it's a vast imaginary view at how the author managed to look ahead at upcoming scientific and technological developments.

The plot and it's characters are likable, but the way of writing by Huxley somewhat set me off, with paragraphs sometimes looking like walls, and at other times, the numerous terminologies got me confounded.

Still,  it's an important book of the 20th century, as it rebels subtly against ideologies like capitalism and socialism, and comparisons towards George Orwell's 1984 can be made, going against totalitarian or utopian ideas.

Brave New World is fairly approachable to read, and yet the topics one will find in it are quite deep, such as the lengths of nature versus nurture methods. I'm sure that i will read it again in the future in order to understand and appreciate it even better.

I wish you all, ironically of course, a brave new year in 2017!

Rating: **(out of 4)

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