Monday, December 24, 2018

Sony PlayStation 4 Pro

There was no need to acquire this upgrade, until I got a 4K TV, and I noticed that my regular white PS4 was starting to make the infamous "airplane" noises, probably because the games running on it were getting too powerful.

Having bought the Sony PlayStation 4 Pro last summer, this version offers up to 1 terabyte of storage, which by the way can be upgraded even further internally or externally, and the noise has been reduced drastically.

4K rendering and support for HDR are included, while more teraflops and better processing are also there, and the internal memory is upgraded. There is also support for PlayStation VR technology, but I personally have not been intrigued by that yet.

Some older PS4 games have been improved by allowing a higher frame rate mode, while the latest AAA titles from Sony's studios look even better through the Ultra HD resolution, including Horizon: Zero Dawn, God of War and Spider-Man.

The PlayStation 4 Pro is not required to play the huge PS4 library, and by no means am I obsessed with graphics, but if the opportunity is there, why not grab it? Before Sony announces it's successor, let's enjoy this console upgrade further.

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