Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Star Trek: Picard


Captain Jean-Luc Picard(Patrick Stewart) comes out of retirement in order to investigate the murder of a young girl with a connection towards one of his dear friends, and while assembling a new crew and ship, a new threat emerges.

Star Trek: Picard is the return of the beloved commander that once shined so brightly alongside his old crew during Star Trek: The Next Generation. I think it's great that Patrick still wanted to act as this person in his old age.

However, the execution, plot and characters all fall apart quickly, and are average at best. It's a linear story about one dimensional characters, unnecessary swearing, ret-conning the lore in a bad way, and using too much nostalgia events to keep things spicy.

It's not as annoying as Star Trek Discovery, which I won't bother to properly review, as while that looks pretty, it's full of diversity and political correctness, with Saru being the only exception of an interesting character.

I am not a hardcore fan or Trekkie, but I could tell the difference of quality easily. It's still nice to see Picard returning anno 2020 with a second season confirmed, I do hope that they will able to improve upon it and perhaps re-imagine some of that magic of the best episodes of TnG.

Rating: 6.5

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