Thursday, October 16, 2014

Cursed Mountain

Cursed Mountain is a rather unknown and obscure horror title on the Nintendo Wii. The developer has closed down unfortunately, but that doesn't mean it's last project is a disaster. It's more of a mixed bag.

It has sluggish and sometimes non responsive controls, very simple and repetitive gameplay, it's not scary and it has a story told awkwardly. The pacing is rather slow most of the time,and it's rather a reclusive and isolated experience in general.

The Wii peripherals showed in action as an example are somewhat funny to witness, the characters were bland and Eric walked too slow. If he only did so during the climb and snow parts then I would be content with it.

What the game did exceptionally right though is offering an insight into Buddhism and Hinduism, and some of the surroundings; the mountains in particular, were impressive and immersive to behold. With the cold setting, the freezing wind and ghostly encounters, it creates an unsettling image at certain parts.

They are part of the atmosphere which is done right, with effective sound effects accompanying the player. Last but not least, climbing to the summit of Chomo Lonzo was as far as mountain climbing as a simulator goes, stunning.

Regrettably, Cursed Mountain will never be optimized, or considered a classic horror game. However, for it's unusual setting, and it's effective ambience, consider playing through this at least once if you can handle the pace.

It's also interesting to note that "Cursed Mountain was a collaborative development effort by 16 companies consisting of 236 people in 17 unique locations in 14 different countries".

Rating: 6.7

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