Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Chzo Mythos

A tetralogy of indie adventure games made with the AGS engine by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, known for his Zero Punctuation webseries, which I personally dislike, the Chzo Mythos is an interconnected storyline about murders, sacrifices, the supernatural and an ancient evil of pain.

5 Days a Stranger is a content enough of a point and click adventure game. For an independent and amateuristic project, it's decent, but short and limited. You play as Trilby, who at first is a thief with a gentleman syndrome, but over the course of the other games develops more seriously.

As the mystery of DeFoe's manor is only revealed from the surface level, it ends quickly and abrupt. It's only the first entry of the Chzo Mythos however.

 Rating: 6.3

7 Days a Skeptic is an improvement over the first one in regards to interface and story. It blasts of into the far future of the timeline, where another murderous mystery must be solved in order for evil to be cleansed. The level of gore has also gone up considerably, as has the feeling of tension.

It ends with a last shoveled in plot twist, or perhaps I should say it's rather more of a cliffhanger, as the main character's real identity is questioned.

Rating: 6.7

Trilby's Notes, as both a direct sequel and a prequel predating centuries, it ups the psychological horror further by introducing an alternate hellish dimension to the mix. I disliked the new controls where you had to manually move Trilby around and input commands by use of the keyboard, but on the other hand, the designer tried something different.

Many flashbacks let you briefly play with essentially victims all affected by the Tall Man, the demonic entity plagueing everyone. The lore of the franchise is explained further, and it's yet another decent adventure game. Using narration to explain or read Trilby's Notes towards the gamers is also a new feature.

Rating: 6.5

6 Days a Sacrifice, the finale brings all titles full circle, as several remaining questions are answered, and our latest protagonist will have to face off ultimately against Chzo, the closest towards a God of Pain. Trilby, in some manifestation or another, alongside a red balded man will guide you towards the end of the storyline. 6 Days a Sacrifice is a fitting ending to the Chzo Mythos.

Rating: 6.6

Ben got the basics of the adventure genre right, especially point and click related, and added an interesting enough of a story alongside some disturbing scenes such as pictured below. There is even another prequel before the Chzo Mythos, which is called Trilby: The Art of Theft, but that can be considered more of a side story.

I have yet to try out the 1213 series, which I might do in the future.

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