Friday, October 31, 2014


After having nominated and referenced this over the years, it is finally time to rewatch my favorite horror movie since seeing it 8 years ago as an 18 year old boy, and it still holds up about what I think, feel and experience about it.

Eraserhead is most of all an experience, it is without a doubt one of the most unique horrors out there, and it completely feels like an authentic nightmare, or atleast several of them. It is full of symbolism and interpretations, and David Lynch has stated that the correct one has not been theorized or discussed about yet.

Henry Spencer is a middle aged man who gets a message from the beautiful lady across the hall that his girlfriend has invited him over for dinner. Upon arriving, Henry is unsure and rather feels awkward with her parents and their behavior.

The shocking revelation comes forward that Mary and Henry have had sexual intercourse before marriage, and subsequently a baby has been born at the hospital. But not just any baby, it rather looks more like an alien fetus.

He gets tasked with taking care of the baby, while his relationship seems damaged. From there on out, but actually from the very beginning, all things considered cannot be labeled as factual or logical. As if the overall tone did not give that away already.

The sound design of Eraserhead is stunningly effective, as it goes in harmony with the black and white colors, the sprawling industrialization setting and of course the dreams, hallucinations or nightmares Henry experiences.

The third segment of the movie is where things really start getting creepy, out of this world and effective. The scene after the Lady in the Radiator does her Heaven song is my favorite one because it shows what happens to Henry, becoming an eraserhead in several ways, and it switches into an accompanying scene that leaves much for imagination.

The object with tails seen throughout Eraserhead is largely implied to be spermatozoons, heavily supporting the theory that the movie has strong sexual themes playing. They travel through many different ways, and it reflects Henry's personality most of all, which seems pacifistic.

I strongly encourage everyone to watch this movie on their own, preferably in the dark with headphones and the volume up, without friends or distractions so that you can make up your own mind and opinion about it.

Eraserhead is a dark journey with cryptic messages, industrialized scenery, ambient music, awkward characters, nightmares and ultimately one of the best immersive film experiences I have ever had. David Lynch will always be respected by me for creating this surrealistic horror.

Rating: 9.0

And with that said, I wish you all Happy Halloween! Until next year!

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