Thursday, October 30, 2014


Modern religions all seem to have demonology in common, or rather they acknowledge the existence of demons, not necessarily the study or theology of them. It is quite a sophisticated and deep topic because not only are there many kinds of demons, they can be interpreted in different ways too.

LaVeyan Satanism teaches that demons are used as symbols which possess virtuous characteristics, while Christianity or Judaism believe and practice the profession of exorcism in order to evict demons out of possessed bodies.

Often portrayed and used as a convenient way of showing evil influence in mediums such as movies, video games and books, in fact, demonology has been around for ages. Many categorizations exist, so let me talk about some of the more interesting demons which have been documented by men.

For instance, Abaddon is sometimes referred to as king of the abyss who commands an army of locusts and symbolizes destruction or a location of that. It is also associated with fire and graves and could be considered as a leader or duke.

Another commander is Eligos, who can predict the future, knows about warfare, holds an army of sixty legions and he can instruct leaders to inspire their soldiers in order to earn their respect. He usually appears as a horseman.

Satan is the most well known out of them all for being the Devil and is basically the personification of evil and the main enemy of God and his angels. Like demonology in general, Satan also has many interpretations available.

Folklore, magic and witchcraft are all major key terms when speaking of demons as well. Mythology also seems to deal or borrow these entities, and some of these stories or origins can be quite creative. I wonder how the topic will endure through the 21st century.

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