Saturday, January 5, 2019

Upcoming Promising Movies in 2019

I'm happy to report that there will be numerous promising movies for this year, but the ones that excite me the most are:

John Wick: Chapter 3

My most anticipated movie, the expertly crafted Jown Wick movies so far have been the modern action sequenced variants of earlier ones such as Taken, The Matrix and Die Hard. Keanu Reeves is intimidating, convincing, stellar and most of all a bad-ass, and I can't wait to see how the assassin underground world will bleed out further because of people who touched his dog and repaying debts.

Breaking Bad Movie

Both Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul have been mindblowing in their own ways as TV series, with crazy writings, cliffhangers and fun characters to witness, and with the recent announcement of a feature film, let's see if Jesse Pinkman can carry it on his own.

Avengers: Endgame

With one of the biggest cliffhangers in recent movie history, everyone, from comic nerds to regular moviegoers, to film buffs, will want to know how The Avengers and thus the majority of the Marvel Cinematic Universe will end with Endgame. I like to get surprised with this blockbuster movie, so like previous Avengers movies, I will anticipate this one with my buddies, and enjoy the massive all-stars ride that already worked so well, especially with Infinity War. Thanks Thanos for messing everyone up!

Star Wars: Episode IX

Will J.J. Abrams save the horrible fate of Star Wars's current state as a franchise? After The Last Jedi, which shook everyone up, despite me liking that one as well, so many people felt confounded and disappointed by it. I have never been a big fan of Star Wars, but it's hard to deny it's global popularity and the hype it spreads. I don't think that Kylo Ren can carry the whole movie as an antagonist, so I hope that Snoke returns. Whatever happens after the current milking of Star Wars by Disney, let's see where the sequel trilogy will stand after Episode IX; either with the prequels, or with the originals.

Dark Phoenix

From what I have understood, the movie rights of the X-Men have been bought by Walt Disney Company, so after, or perhaps during X-Men: Dark Phoenix's running time, we might see them make contact with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Anyhow, Dark Phoenix tells the famous story arc of Jean Grey's transformation into the Dark Phoenix, a story that I remember seeing during the 90's animation of the X-Men. I wonder though, will Wolverine ever return as a character after the incredible future Logan movie, as I remember that he is important towards Jean Grey as well, next to Cyclops?
The canonical continuation of The Terminator franchise 

James Cameron finally returns towards perhaps his most well known cinematic production, The Terminator, not as a director, but as a producer. With Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton returning as the original characters, could this entry finally redeem the status towards the legendary part 1 and of course Terminator 2: Judgment Day? If it ret-con's the previous entries Rise of the Machines, Salvation and Genisys, and that's rather a big if at this point, how the hell can the aging Arnold, Linda and James still make it work? Consider me cautiously excited by this soft reboot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Flok. Hey old friend it is me MetaKnight from The Nintendo Network. We originally met on Smash World Forums I used to go by the name Luigi01 on there & then I later changed it too RoY iS tHe BeSt. Its great to see you doing your thing brother. I'm back on Smash World Forums as RoY iS tHe BeSt I sent you a message on there so you can get back to me if you remembered. Well see ya old friend. - MK