Monday, December 17, 2018

The Eternal City

For my last trip of 2018, I have returned towards Italy's capital, as I previously have only visited
Bozen/Bolzano so far of this intriguing country.

Rome is an open air museum similar to Kyoto and Gyeongju as there are numerous and countless landmarks, sites and sights to behold. For my weekend trip, I managed to spent 3 full days here, and I was able to see the highlights.

The Coloseum is the number 1 reason for visiting, as it's the largest of it's kind, it's part of the new wonders of the world, it's massive, and walking inside reminded me not only of picturesque gladiator fights, but also of a little game called Secret of Evermore.

Italian cuisine tastes different and of course more authentic than what they offer over here in Holland. As I walked around, the large crowd of tourists gathered everywhere, but luckily I managed to make good shots with my S8+ and my GoPro Hero 6 Black.

The Pantheon is another impressive ancient building to walk into, as it's purpose is unknown, it's amount of impression is not, and it's simply unreal to think that humanity has managed to create designs such as these.

Roman Forum and Paletine Hill were combined as they lie next to each other, and it's especially with these two that you are literally and figuratively walking into the history of the Romans. The Trevi Fountain and Spanish Steps are also major spots to see the people gather.

Castel Sant'Angelo might be my personal favorite, as I liked walking through the complex, seeing the interiors, and finally witnessing a majestic panorama shot of Rome itself. Although I was by myself and barely had social contact, the city kept me occupied.

The street artists were also a really nice touch combined with the pleasant december weather of around 18 graden each day,  and walking through the Villa Borghese park completed my trip of touring.

The Vatican was visited on my first itinerary day, although since it is a geographical oddity, I decided to post this below for this article.

It is the smallest state in the world, where the head figure of Christianity resides, currently Pope Francis, and I could optionally see him on sunday, but I decided not to, as my itinerary was personally fully booked.

The Vatican Musea(and pretty much every sight to see)'s queue was skipped by me, and walking through several of the most impressive galleries, museums and such in the world was impressive to experience, with the Sistine Chapel being a highlight.

St.Peter's Basilica is the head building of this area, and the interior is ridiculously large, as are the 550+ steps I had to undertake in order to see the top of the dome and thus the panorama view outside. Seeing the iconic Swiss Guards and St.Peter's Square was worth traveling for.

Being culturally impressive, Rome and The Vatican are easy to combine if you plan it well, and I managed to see everything I wanted to, except for Villa Borghese Galeria, which was fully booked. Since I threw my coins at Trevi Fountain, I guess that this is my cue for returning one day!

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