Monday, October 16, 2017

Under the Shadow

Incredible foreign horror with a unique setting taking place during the Iran-Iraq war, Under the Shadow follows a Persian mother who has been rejected to study further because of political incorrectness after the revolution, and she now takes care at home of her daughter Dorsa, who often has bad dreams, and warns of the djinn manifesting at home.

I found it to be impeccably filmed and acted with realism and sympathetic characters, and although I might be biased for it being foreign, I really felt captivated and the familiar plot of the supernatural haunting was even creative with building up psychological scares such as moving objects and nightmares.

Under the Shadow is a horror gem that combines supernatural horror with oppressive destruction outside the apartment, and is often compared to The Babadook(2014) fairly. Not often nowadays do I really praise horror movies, but this is one worth seeing!

Rating: 8.0

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