Thursday, October 6, 2016



A computer role playing game where you travel through various waxworks and their time settings in other to stop an evil curse, Waxworks is a dungeon crawler developed by Horror Soft in the early nineties, and it pretty much got overlooked by the majority.

The visuals are outstanding for the time, with rich details engrossing the levels per setting. Notoriously, the death scenes were varied, gory and plenty, and there's even your uncle helping out with hints from inside a magic ball, because why the fuck not?

The gameplay consist of puzzle solving, but also odd combat where you are able to click on any body part of the enemy in order to weaken and defeat them. Sadly, the level design is redundant and monotone, and it's hastily a real challenge to find your way sometimes, as a map is missing.

The settings consists of a mine with plant mutants, a cemetery with zombies, Victorian London with angry civilians and cops, and Ancient Egypt with the slaves and worshippers. A highlight is the moody yet simple soundtrack accompanying each location.

Waxworks is unfortunately not my cup of tea, despite the good remarks I could find out after playing it. Surely, things might have been different if I experienced it back at it's prime time(when I was 4!), but alas, I cannot experience everything in one childhood, and even then, like it.

Rating: 6.3

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