Friday, February 27, 2015

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U


The ultimate and latest version of Super Smash Bros. has arrived, and Wii U's incarnation is simply sublime on so many levels. It carries over 3DS's core gameplay, but adds on top of that exciting new features, HD graphics and more content than ever before.

Level editing returns more expanded with accessibility towards being creative with your designs. The online experience is improved and can be greatly satisfying, as I have played countless unknowns, but also friends. Occasional laggy matches occur, but the game can hardly be faulty for that.

8 player mode is introduced as the ultimate chaotic feature, and combining that with items on, just makes for exciting times. It's just that you need a lot of players and controllers to make this happen, and you won't find them quickly unless you are at a tournament, an event or a party.

Smash Tour is an interesting addition that combines Mario Party and Kirby Air Ride's feel while making it more fast paced. It's funny and ironic because in the past when I participated with tournaments, we would usually play Mario Party Blood games afterwards.

Event mode makes a welcoming return, and Special Orders is a mixture of previous modes where you basically gamble and you will have to do special orders in order to obtain large prizes. Trophy collecting is the largest amount seen yet, and it will take a long time for me to collect them all.

The gameplay really needs no introduction, and could and should be considered the most balanced seen yet. Even if you don't agree, balance patches have happened already as I type this, and it's simply a more fair experience because so many characters feel just right.

The new characters are diversive, exciting and respectful in nature. The iconic inclusion of Mega Man is one I will personally never forget, Little Mac deserved a spot more than anyone else, I am really surprised with Villager and how could you not love the new retro character Duck Hunt Duo, or the weirdest character introduced yet, Wii Fit Trainer?

It's okay when Nintendo does it, because all of the universes of each franchise come together wonderfully, like always, in one single huge segment of Nintendo celebration. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is unquestionably the best title in the series.

Tournament wise, I am practically retired from this scene. But I will never say never, because I will always have fond memories of the community, the competition, the rivalries, the intimidation and the excitement.

Rating: 9.5

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