Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Bayonetta 2


For my Bayonetta review, please refer to the following link. Nothing has really changed for the Wii U port except for additional Nintendo based costumes:

As for it's sequel, it is a sophisticated hack and slash video game, expanding further upon the plot and lore, and even more over the top sensational battles, this time letting you ascend a sacred mountain, as well as traveling to the past to uncover secrets.

The demon hierarchy is now also standing in your way, alongside the well designed angels from before, this time with new enemy designs, and more creepy stone faces. All of the familiar faces return, including Enzo, Rodin, that pervert, Jeanne and technically only one new character is introduced.

Bayonetta's new look is a welcome change, and the British accent still stands. The game is full of flashy moves, slow motion returns as the essential game feature alongside dodging, and in overall, it's a more casualized or easier experience.

The only dissapointments are still some of the motionless cut-scenes happening, although they have improved to some stylish extent. The other minor point is lack of linearity, or I guess a hub world of some sort, but then again, straightforward games can obviously work too, it's just that these games could benefit from it.

Nintendo's collaboration is certainly an interesting development for Bayoneta 2's existence. As they share a copyright and funding with the project, it is rather unlikely the game will ever lose it's status, considering that the Big N is still one of the biggest companies in Japan and the world.

I think it's also funny how Hideki Kamiya and his team so obviously put references towards Star Fox in both Bayonetta games, because they have flying action sequences very similar. I believe Kamiya also tweeted that he would love to develop a title for that franchise.

So Bayonetta 2 is ultimately a better game, a very hectic and stylish action adventure with giant and supernatural enemies, more girl pop music, a co-op mode, unlockables and replayability in the form of high scores, challenge and achievements.

Rating: 8.2

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