Friday, February 13, 2015

InFAMOUS Second Son


A new protagonist rises in the future after the demise of Cole, and it's up to the player to go for the good or evil path again, this time in Seattle, Washington. No longer will you be primarily using lighting powers, but this time, you are able to choose between up to 4 original and cool new powers.

Neon is the swift and sniper element, Video the airborne and stealth element, Smoke the aggressive and explosive element and Concrete is the defensive and also heavy damage element. With next gen graphics, familiar combat and precise mechanics, you can't go wrong with this sequel. However, it's a shorter experience than the others.

Unless you want to collectathon and do all of the side quests, as well as going for both paths, Second Son will end sooner than you think. But enough new features have been implemented in order for it to be a proper sequel.

Rating: 7.9

An even shorter prequel towards Second Son focusing on the pink neon girl and her background, as well as more character development for D.U.P.'s leader. First Light features a smaller Seattle but does provide enough side objectives and neon powerups to keep the most determined playing.

It shouldn't be seen as another main title because of the things I just said, but rather indeed as a DLC chapter or an old fashioned expansion pack. I just wonder what kind of powers shall be introduced in the future, as well how multiplayer will be handled by then.

Rating: 6.9

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