Sunday, November 23, 2014

Senran Kagura Burst


I thought I would try it out since I saw the hype and humor for it online. As Japan continues to be very liberal in regards to oversexualized fictional females, as opposed to how males are portrayed in Western games, I gave Senran Kagura Burst a chance.

After I completed the recommended first play, I can easily confirm that the game is very shallow, very repetitive and it has awful inappropriate and ineffective writing. As a beat em'up, while choosing between 10 different characters, there was only 1 combo I constantly used.

That combo was hitting the Y button, then flipping the enemies in the air, continue hitting the Y button, flip them again using the A button, and finish of with a diving X attack until your ninja energy bar was enough raised to use each of the shinobi's special attacks, which are all AOE and invincibility based.

Fan service is the main selling point for this game, and it's pretty exaggerated, but also entertaining. The ninja's for instance will burst out of their clothes slowly each time they are dealt a significant amount of damage from enemies.

Then there are numerous unlockable clothing and a specific dressing room where you have all the leisure of observing the girls at first for fashion reasons, but there are also hidden ones. And the most obvious fact is that all except for 1 female having gigantic round breasts.

The story itself alongside the writing is not inspiring, fun and way too much text. It's an insane bowl of trying to be serious while the game isn't interesting in a humorous way either. Personalities of the characters have variety, but are simple minded and easily recognizable as stereotypes.

Senran Kagura Burst's horrible gameplay, where ALL of the missions are practically the same mindless business, reminded me of a long clusterfuck beat em'up on the SNES, which is The Tick, of which it's main problem was the endless amount of enemy waves and the tedious long parts of defeating each enemy.

These negative factors are almost the same found here, but atleast SKB's structure is better if it counts. So, this turns out to be my next dissapointing 3DS title in my collection, and it's easily the worst one. And the best news is that many Japanese games never released outside of Nippon have the same quality, and I am not necessarily talking about beat em'ups then.

This is not how you do a beat em'up properly, and it was a breeze playing from start to finish. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat. That is the game's motto. It also has horrible lag or slowdown most of the time which is the result of too many characters appearing on the screen at the same time.

Rating: 4.0

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