Friday, November 21, 2014

Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies


After what felt like a very long time, Phoenix Wright has finally returned to bring the legal law system back from the dark ages! With a new nifty gameplay mechanic called the Mood Matrix, you will have to observe a witness's emotions carefully during their statements in order to bring out their true feelings.

In the first 3D entry, the writing style and comical animations are still in effect. Adding to the interesting Mood Matrix, exciting new characters such as the likable Athena Cykes who has an unusual background and the cool new convicted samurai prosecutor Simon Blackquill, alongside the case related characters of course, Dual Destinies is a blast to play, as the writing, plot twists and courtroom drama's are as sublime as ever.

There's not much else new to the series, but fans of it will be delighted, either by the quirky new cases, or seeing old faces return. The overall theme of Dual Destinies also seems to be that corruption is a huge factor in the judicial system nowadays and that the end justifies the means.
Also, the bonus DLC case was a very nice bonus indeed, with a weird defendant and another strange tale playing out! The future of Ace Attorney also seems to continue, as the earliest prequel has been announced to come out next year.

Rating: 8.2

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