Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Retro Blog: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

This is the definition of classic gaming, and one of the most recognized titles from the 16-bit era. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is in my opinion the epitome and embodiment entry of the Zelda franchise, and I always enjoy replaying it once in a few years.

As is the same case for Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Metroid, all three are some of my most cherished video games out there, and all of them are a return towards the formula's which were established in their first entries.

A Link to the Past plays from a bird's eye perspective as an action adventure. Some people like to call it an RPG, but I disagree with that, a better example would be the Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. It does not feature traditional experience systems, but it has some items which can be improved.

The story is basically awakening the Master Sword to fight forces of evil, and later on, rescue the maidens and Princess Zelda from the menacing combo of Aghanim and Ganon, or summoner and demon lord.

Although the OST is very small, it has some amazing songs nonetheless, with Dark World sticking out the most. Whenever I talk about A Link to the Past, I can't help but think back when I first experienced entering the alternative world of Hyrule, and seeing those flashy diamonds on the world map.

They represented new dungeons to delve into, and it was one of the most exciting video game moments I ever experienced. And the dungeons here are utterly worth exploring and solving, as the Ice Palace, Dark Palace and Turtle Rock are some of if not the best dungeon designs when speaking of puzzles, atmosphere and challenge.

There are also optional items to secure aside from the mandatory ones. Some of the new items obtainable and usable by Link here are for example the hookshot, the flippers and the Cane of Somaria.

Aside from side quests such as collecting more bottles and locating heart pieces to increase your life meter, there are also little mini games to play in order to win more Rupees, and cool easter eggs to be stumbled upon, such as Cuckoo's enacting their revenge, or finding out about the Chris Houlihan room.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past's core gameplay is so entertaining, diversive and even challenging in regards to the many kinds of enemies you will encounter, that it is easily my favorite Zelda game, even after I continue to highly praise Majora's Mask as well.

Rating: 9.5

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