Monday, January 27, 2014

The Zeitgeist Beast

There is something lurking inside the endless pipeworks.

It's called 4chan, and it has associates, but this beast has recently been able to keep me intrigued. It took me a long while before I finally understood the principle and privileges of the Zeitgeist Beast known as 4chan. Now I am a regular lurker there, constantly fascinated by it.

Inspired originally by a Japanese twin site, this image board features almost no rules, anything goes, the hardest jokes I have heard inside the pipeworks and the most interesting debates, questions and threads, if you can filter the trolls, garbage, kikes and the rest of the degenerates.

4chan's culture constantly changes, like a zeitgeist, and it has many rival sites who boycot each other, such as Reddit, 9gag, Encyclopedia Dramatica. All those are interesting as well, but this beast overthrows them with regards to content, reputation and more.

It takes a certain "level" of JRPG standards before you can handle or even understand what this insane board is all about. Nothing is sacred, everything gets insulted, many regulars there have confessed that it has worsened their lives.

But as long as you take 4chan with a grain of salt and a lot of scepticism, you too can enjoy all of the loveful and hateful content to be found, be it on my favorite boards of politically incorrect(/pol/ AKA Path of Light), video games(/v/ AKA Vidya), random(/b/), international(/int/) or any other undiscovered boards when speaking personally.(Aside from the adult content).

Just don't take it seriously, or do take it seriously. If you are offended, you probably are too close minded or bigoted. Right now, 4chan seems to tolerate freedom in general, but who knows what the future will bring for this beast!? If it gets shut down, it's ideals will surely live on anonymously in another form.

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