Monday, January 6, 2014

Pondering about Life Elsewhere

Isn't it amazing that we can imagine humans living their lives elsewhere on this pale blue dot? With prejudices or not, the gift of imagination might truly be the most wonderful thing when speaking of actual changes, even more than the current available knowledge.

In your presumably busy life, have you ever thought about how a Tibetan monk is living at the Himalaya's? Or what about a Papuan of a specific tribe still living with primitive tools, ignorant of modern times?

I'm sure you subconciously do this more than you think, because many people read the news each day, and try to place their thoughts inside the events that are happening in the world. From simple thoughts such as a suicidal bomber to complex thoughts such as a politician's way of thinking.

Not just humans, but we often wonder what animals are thinking about as well, such as monkeys and their familiar nature of behaving like us. Or dolphins who are remarkable when it comes to teamwork and communication.

And then there is the possibility of extraterrestrial life. Even though it hasn't been proven yet, recent discoveries in the last century including Hubble's theory and his namesake space telescope's images have shown that the universe is larger than we could ever comprehend before.

Add to the knowledge that there are currently hundreds of billions of visible galaxies drifting in space, with each of them having hundreds of billions of stars, and hundreds of billions of planets, and next to that, I recently read in an science article that there are about 8000 planets currently known who have the same living conditions such as water and oxygen like Earth.

Add all that, and then you could darefully think that we aren't alone in this expanding universe...on the contrary, it's one of few subjects I can positively believe in. It's just that for various reasons including distance, we haven't made contact yet.

It would be egoistic to think we are all alone in this expanding cosmos. Not anymore after what has been discovered already and continues to get discovered daily in cosmology, as extraordinary things continue to happen in outer space.

History, morality, philosophy, biology, religion and other major topics would completely change upon alien contact, whether it is merely a micro intelligent being or majorly. In fact, everything would change. And I personally cannot wait for that to happen, as I hope to see it happen in my lifetime.

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