Monday, May 9, 2011

I Love/Hate Anonymity

What the title said.

I love anonymity and it's associate the internet for letting us talk together about difficult subjects, such as suicide, sex, addiction, torture, corruption and such, well basically ANYTHING can be discussed on the net, which makes up for some of if not, the best debates to go through. Hearing about certain debates can be so fascinating, it develops the mind.

I despise and utterly dislike anonymity at certain gaming communities where teamwork is crucial and where it is so easy to flame or whine while being anonymous. I've experienced countless examples of this at the DotA and HoN communities, and I wish that it could be different, but they have such low standards of entertainment, that it is all about blaming others and playing to win, communicative speaking. Playing to win is good, but not in fanatical and insulting ways.

I really like anonymity for giving us a safe position, for any situation. You've got a serious problem at home? No problem, just consult somewhere online your issue and help is surely on the way. Don't want to be identified? No deal, think of any ridiculous nickname and people won't recognize you.

I hate anonymity when it is abused, when frauds and imposters attempt to suck and drain your time, money and good intentions away. And I speak of knowledge as well as experience then, and I am sure that you would know of the best examples as well.

And I could give a thousand more reasons about why anonymous is awesome or horrendous. Well, one thing for sure is that it is here to stay, in this current decade, in this current age. It has it's ups and downs.

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