Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Ending Era is Near

It won't be long anymore before E3 2011 has arrived in June. It looks like it will be a hardware presentation primarily, as Sony's Next Generation Portable and Nintendo's Project Cafe will be presented to us. We can always expect the latest hype kicking games to be announced at the show. And next to that, there are huge games in development as we already know, including Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioShock Infinite, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and The Last Guardian.

Has the seventh generation been great with Nintendo's Wii in particular? As a lifetime fan of the old company, I must say that these Wii years haven't been great that much, as far as qualified games go. And while the Wii Remote brought exciting new control and the "rise" of more casual games dominated the console and gave it huge boosts, I have yet to see the full potential of the Wii Remote, and there are just too few exceptional games for the Wii available.

There is Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Ōkami, MadWorld, Super Paper Mario, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, Sin & Punishment 2: Successor of the Skies, GoldenEye 007 and the two Super Mario Galaxies, but other than that, as far as I know, nothing else is exciting to play.

As for other games usually depicted as the best, Monster Hunter Tri is above average and pretty deep, but not exactly cherished by many and I had some issues with it, Metroid: Other M was the most dissapointing Metroid title for me, Tatsunoko vs. Capcom's character cast is rather dull and the No More Heroes games's best quality was their quirkyness.

Anything else? New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Mario Kart Wii and Donkey Kong Country Returns are all good, but not outstanding. I could also mention all of the on-rail games I own for the Wii, but I know that the fanbase towards them isn't that hot, so I will spare you my comments on them.

If I would have to compare the Wii's best games to say, the Nintendo Gamecube, then I would definitely have to prefer the purple console's best games. And that is mainly because of the third party titles being available for that.

Looking at the upcoming Wii games, there is only Skyward Sword to tease us in the West, but as I look at the East, Pandora's Tower, Xenoblade and The Last Story all look interesting to say the least. But will they be able to arrive in time, before Nintendo's next console or even just the Nintendo 3DS will have pushed the once so called Revolution away?

Will Nintendo announce a last wave of Wii games at E3 2011 to excite us, or has the era been fulfilled after the release of Skyward Sword as far as the West goes? I am eager to know if Nintendo's Wii will go out with a bang or silence.

Perhaps the inclusion of the Virtual Console, the WiiWare service, automatic updates and all of those channels affected our lesser interest in Wii's own library. Perhaps the quality of third party games was either poor, embarassing or ripped off. Or perhaps Nintendo will blow us all away at E3 2011 and make us be content with the Wii anyway, while we go crazy over it's successor. I'm sure that good things are on the way, very good things, in one way or another.

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