Saturday, April 25, 2020

Doom Eternal

The latest sequel spins the formula a bit up.

The scarce ammo management introduced here means that you will have to pick your enemies carefully by eventually exploiting their weakness parts. The story is a generic one of Earth being doomed and the Icon of Sin getting resurrected.

The old enemies return as well as a few new ones including the "filtering" Marauder that will test your patience. The heavy metal/rock soundtrack accompany the intense gameplay well, which is fast paced, and there are secrets to be found.

The Doomguy is pretty much glorified and seen as a Messiah, it’s a silly entertaining plot. Doom: Eternal is definitely fun times, although you have to keep aware of your ammo consumption and your available abilities. The platforming was a surprise and actually fun too to balance it out between the shootouts.

Rating: 8.3

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