Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Deus Ex(Retro Blog)

Back in 2000, very few games could hold up to what Deus Ex all had to offer towards gamers. Playing it for the first time in 2010(And replaying it now in 2020), I can say that it has shown it’s beautiful age, yet still is largely playable and fun to walk through.

It has a cyber punk themed storyline filled with potential dangers and conspiracies; all the while nano technology is being implemented into humans. It is both a solid first person shooter and RPG, the voice acting must have been unbelievable back then and the dialogue is informative.

There are different ways of playing through the game, such as stealth, hacking and assault. Then there are several factions in the story where you will ultimately have to choose 1 of them at the ending stage.

Then there is a strong sense of morality playing, as you will have to choose from options during the intelligent dialogue appearing. Top that all with a strong soundtrack to boost your adventure, and you've got a video game that has a lot to offer.

I can definitely see the BioShock connection towards this. The game is huge, and it really picks up once you get to Hong Kong. Also has an immersive soundtrack with catchy songs, and it feels like the best shooter of 2000 on the PC, while Perfect Dark was the best shooter on the N64. Some games will never lose their magic.

Rating: 8.5

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