Sunday, May 19, 2019

Avengers: Endgame


10 years of cinematic buildup and the previous Infinity War gives us the definite Avengers: Endgame arc, as the remaining heroes recover and reassemble their forces in order to undo Thanos's terrible yet balanced victory.

Clocking as the longest running Marvel movie with 3 hours, this final part of a massive project and overall storyline is a very fine conclusion that like the previous entry, marvelously manages to keep such a large cast full of super powers engrossing.

Avengers: Endgame says that the end is part of the journey, and thus, major characters will permanently die, and sacrifices will be made. Although it does not have as much action as the previous Avengers flicks, it compensates with more drama, more dialogue and more closure.

The timeline quest of snapping the Infinity Stones through a gauntlet crafted by the heroes in order to rewind the victims is an extension of what Thanos already did with the Time Stone. It offers for some interesting parallel realities to happen and gives a good excuse to see previous settings and characters  again.

As Hawkeye has a larger role and Ant-Man return, some other characters almost have no screen time, such as Doctor Strange and Captain Marvel. It doesn't really bother me considering this huge cast, but it is noticable.

Even with this entry, the traditional humor is still present, and my favorite scene is easily where it turns out that Thor has become The Big Lebowski, hanging together with his buddies from the Ragnarok arc while he gets trashed online with Fortnite.

Beyond the credits, there is no post-credits scene. It implies that the future movies will not be interconnected, or not at least as the previous 21 entries were. With Spider-Man: Far From Home being on the horizon, will Marvel Studios and their overlord Disney slow it down afterwards, or quickly continue on with filming other story arcs from the comics?

Avengers: Endgame is the end of the Infinity Saga. But it's not the end of being a (Marvel)superhero. In some form or another, the superhero movie genre is here to stay, as key movies such as The Avengers(2012)and The Dark Knight(2008) have proven already.

The future is unclear, yet bright.

Rating: 8.0

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