Saturday, April 21, 2018

Devil May Cry

I’m playing this popular franchise for the first time via the HD Collection on the PS4! Devil May Cry is a 3D horror based hack and slash where you play as Dante, some kind of demon hunter bent on stopping evil from breeding and happening.

Loosely based on Dante’s Divine Comedy and it’s Italian mythology, Devil May Cry was a hit back in 2001, with some challenging moments, but the gun and swordplay combined with transforming into devil like super powers made it stylish and standout from the crowd.

The worse factors are the camera wrestling as there are many blind spots, but also the repetition of having to fight almost all of the bosses 3 times.

Still, it was quite standing out back in the day, and arguably, numerous games have been inspired by it.

Rating: 7.3

From all of the negativity I have heard over the years for this sequel, it’s all very exaggerated. The camera wrestling is still there, but the difficulty has been lowered, and there is more variety with bosses.

The mission structure is still weird and asymmetric and not balanced regarding length, and the plot is still very thin and minimum. But the gameplay is intact, and so are the action moves, the weapons and the item management.

About Dante’s change of personality, I honestly barely noticed this here either, as his “acting” is almost non existent in both games anyway. Don’t be shy to play Devil May Cry 2, or perhaps I have the advantage of immediately playing this after the original!?

Rating: 7.2

Easily the best of the trilogy, this special edition has 5 difficulty modes as I discovered this upon defeating it for the first time, wow! As a prequel, you get to see Dante and his brother Vergil duke and team it out, while devils are allowed to cry.

You can turn the camera slightly, and there are more guns, styles and weapons than before. The bosses are also of a higher caliber, and you will have to fight them again Mega Man style. The only thing that really bothers me after playing these one after another is that for the guns, there is no auto button, meaning that I got tired with my fingers.

Plus, based on the numerous games I have beaten by now, the gameplay might be repetitive at times, but then there are enough weapons, action moves and such to keep playing with entertainment. Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening is worth playing, and quite challenging!

Rating: 7.5

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