Monday, April 30, 2018

Avengers: Infinity War

All of Marvel’s superheroes come together after the previous movies all contributed towards bringing this epic endgame of a movie together, where Thanos is about to threaten the whole universe with his rather complex reasoning.

Infinity War is full of exciting battles, but the quest of Thanos is equally interesting to follow, as the Infinity Stones show off their powerful abilities. The latest plot developments of the previous movies Black Panther and Thor: Ragnarok are picked up further, but essentially, all of the movies are connected.

The cast is the largest seen yet, where almost every major character returns, with the exception of Hawkeye and Ant-Man. Seeming as a fourth Avengers movie is scheduled for 2019, I assume that they will return then. In the mean time, the humor is still intact, but obviously, the tone has become darker.

Key characters will die, and the fate of others will be left uncertain. As Thanos combines his personal loss with the concepts of balance and survival while interpreting this across the known universe, the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy team up to fight him and his Children.

The CGI, production values and settings are of a top caliber as you would expect, but it's really impressive how this large cast managed to carry the plot direction alongside a compelling and effective major villain. It also looked like every ability of each Infinity Stone was displayed here.

While The Avengers back in 2012 was perhaps the first great all stars superheroes movie, Infinity War steps it up further, raises the stakes and manages to entertain, engross and impress throughout, while DC's movies are generally poorly left behind.

I should had started out with comics, especially after seeing so many great superhero movies already. But at the same time, the movies do attempt to bring out the best of the comics in their own medium, so it's okay if you don't have time to read thousands of comics dedicated to each character if you ask me.

Avengers: Infinity War is perhaps the best Marvel movie yet so far, and it's naturally more exciting to see it if you saw the numerous previous movies. How spoiled we are with movies like these nowadays! Film making has gone quite far with technology, skill, direction, and so on.

Rating: 8.5

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