Monday, December 30, 2019

Days Gone


From the studio that developed the Syphon Filter games previously, Days Gone was released exclusively for the PlayStation 4 this year. Catching up onto it at the end of this decade, let's delve into it.

It's a survival third person action shooter with an open world formula letting you tackle on main and side quests at various survival camps. The motorbike will be your main way of traveling around, although you can unlock fast traveling under certain circumstances.

At first, I had to get used towards gathering up fuel and fixing up my bike, but that soon became second nature as I either found scraps or fuel in the wild, or got my bike fixed up at the mechanics. There's enough upgrades for it to be found too.

The same goes for your playable character Deacon St. John too. You can improve his methods of survival, melee or ranged combat in various ways. The personality is likable too, as he is member of a former motor club and now drifts around with his best pal Boozer while hoping to find peace towards his former wife.

Days Gone gave me vibes most of all from The Walking Dead and The Last of Us, two great inspirations. There are the different kinds of zombies, or infected humans walking around such as Freaks, Newts and Swarmers, but there are crazy humans too, and then there are even crazier ones called Rippers, who are part of a cult.

This is quite a large game where it took me over 40 hours to beat it. In this post apocalyptic setting, you are also able to craft items such as molotov cocktails and medkits to keep you going. In order to purchase items, you will need to gain more trust per camp by doing all kinds of jobs.

Deacon and the rest of the cast were just fine, from the various kinds of leaders per camp, to the sidekicks per mission, to the villains represented, it's all good. The story itself is nothing special, but at least the characters and their voice acting kept me going, aside from the gameplay.

Days Gone turned out to be better than I expected, although to be honest, it won't blow you away with innovation or groundbreaking ways. Seeing the wild landscapes of Oregon drifting around of which some parts just might be the same in real life, is a good bonus to experience too.

Rating: 8.1

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