Sunday, March 31, 2019

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


The fifth edition is the definitive, most ultimate based entry.

Although not as innovative as previous titles, we are talking about a fighter sequel here. After the success of the Wii U and the 3DS versions, a Nintendo Switch version would be obvious to do. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate came out sooner than I expected.

All of the previous fighters are featured, and with 5 more upcoming DLC characters, this is both the biggest fighting game in terms of playable characters, as well as the biggest crossover game in gaming history.

A new single player mode called World of Light is fun to do once, especially if you are in the process of unlocking everyone throughout the playtime. Instead of trophies or stickers, souls can now be collected and equipped for various effects.

The multiplayer scene lets you create custom rule sets per match, which is nice, and you can play locally or wireless using the Switch. The online experience seems to have improved, letting you play through matchmaking, or get into arena's with friends.

Some modes have been scrapped though, such as the level editor, Break the Targets and homerun with the sandbag dummy. Also, almost every stage returns from every game, but unfortunately for me, Mute City from Melee did not!

Some characters have gotten new move sets, such as Ganondorf's sword smashes. Of course, many moves have been tweaked by the numbers, and right now, balance patches can still come out. It's early to tell if the overall massive tier list is balanced.

After the whole roster is available, perhaps then we could have an objective based analysis using tournament statistics. Anyhow, like any part in the franchise, the best thing about these games for me is the celebration aspect of representing each franchise fairly.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a massive undertaking, and the replay value is immense. it's not perfect, but it's the best that's available!

Rating: 9.5

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